Strona: Course 3: Distance work of industrial firms – improvement of methods and tool / Centrum Studiów Podyplomowych Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

Course 3: Distance work of industrial firms – improvement of methods and tool

Course information

Date of the course: 03/04/2023 - 12/05/2023
Price: 1370 PLN
Rzeszow University of Technology
Faculty of Management
Department of Enterprise Management
room 415
phone: +48 17 865 30 41

About the course

A graduate of the course receives theoretical and practical preparation to expand knowledge and skills in the field of the latest technologies. The course allows you to gain modern and useful knowledge: about IT tools for remote work; in the area of distance work techniques, their challenges, and applications in the area of technology; about the legal aspects of remote work, career development strategies, cultural differences, and the role of a team leader.

Course program

  1. Security aspect of remote work (3 hours)

VPN virtual tunnels. Theoretical basis: types, architecture, the principle of operation, encryption protocols. Installation of the Open VPN program (configuration, addressing, parameter selection, key generation).

Email encryption. Theoretical basis: types of encryption (symmetric and asymmetric), security, protocols, keys. Installation and configuration of OpenPGP. Installation and configuration of the e-mail client. 

  1. IT tools for remote work - Oracle APEX (5 hours)

Remote interface and work with a database. Examples of building and implementing database applications based on a built-in CMS (Content Management System). Creating a management cockpit and using tools for managing the work of a team.

  1. Fundamentals of Oracle Data Visualization for Desktop (6 hours)

Introduction to a single-user desktop application providing Oracle Data Visualization functionality to business users. Integration with different data sources. Exploring a set of capabilities to perform collaborative analytics for data analytics as also their workgroup, and enterprise.

  1. Introduction to SAP S/4HANA (5 hours)

Next Generation Business Suite - S/4HANA - the digital core of the company that enables digital transformation. The main areas covered:  - preparation of data for procurement, production and sale area, - going through to the sale process, - preparation of SOP for long term planning, - starting production orders and confirming production orders, - preparation of orders for SAP Manufacturing Execution (ME), -  simulation in Industry 4.0 Factory.

  1. Digital products and processes, factory communication techniques and digital transformation of production firms (4 hours)

Overview of the digital industry needs. Digital products manufacturing and sale. Digital manufacturing processes. New communication techniques in factories of the future. Digital transformation case studies.

  1. Digital products and processes – supporting applications (5 hours)

Review of selected computer programs supporting the management of production, projects, resources, time and project finances. Critical analysis of the possibility of their use in individual areas of the manufacturing process. Case study.

  1. Legal aspects of remote work (3 hours)

Remote work - overview of the changes proposed to the Labor Code: Teleworking and remote work. Equipment at work. Control of the method and conditions of work, health and safety. Accident when working remotely.

  1. The impact of cultural diversity on business relationships in the era of challenge (3 hours)

Cultural differences and their influence on the cooperation in the business, focusing on the cultures of Americans, Chinese, and Germans (cultural aspects, business in a multinational and multicultural environment, awareness of the cultural differences that impact the common existence and cooperation especially during Covid-19 pandemic, effective communication between employees in international environment, multinational cooperation in the business in the era of different challenges).

  1. Building business relationships. Aspects of career development (4 hours)

Strategies for career development. Networking as a tool of career devolpoment. Abilities and features that make career devolopment easier.

  1. Team leader (4 hours)

Team leader - tools of an effective leader, conflict resolution in a team, proper communication. Form of classes: workshops.

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